Food Tourism in a Society and Cultural Diversity :Thailand and Malaysia

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ณนนท์ แดงสังวาลย์


Food tourism is one of niche tourism that is popular for the tourists in the world because of it is related to the natural resource management, social and cultural. For the behavior of tourist characteristics, they are interested in culture and learning to gain a new experience. This academic article is to demonstrate about food tourism activities from the phenomenon of food tourism occurrences which used a document analysis method that related to the food tourism management between Thailand and Malaysia where are difference cultural. The synthesis based on keywords and year of published from 2009 to present. The result shows that food tourism management in Thailand is linked to the food culture that is caused by regional division, natural resources, ethnic and religious. The outstanding food tourism model in Thailand is as follows;     1) Street food tourism 2) Food festival tourism and 3) local food tourism. As for food tourism management in Malaysia is linked to the food culture which passed from 3 ethnics, natural resources and religious. On the other hand, the best food tourism program in Malaysia is as follows; 1) Slow food tourism 2) local food tourism 3) gastronomy tourism and 4) Halal tourism. However, it also found the lack of needs in food tourism management for both countries are food tourism product development and marketing strategy development.

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แดงสังวาลย์ ณ. (2020). Food Tourism in a Society and Cultural Diversity :Thailand and Malaysia. JOURNAL OF RATTANA PAÑÑĀ, 5(2), 64–80. Retrieved from
Research Article


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