Isan Folk Music Literature: Forms and Characteristics of English usage

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Adcharaporn Khraiboot


The purpose of this study was to analyze the form and characteristics of language usage from Isan Folk Music Literature in 20 provinces, the results of the study can be summarized as follows: 1. Forms of poem that the author used 2 types :1.The use of prosody in traditional forms , found 3 types : Klorn Suphap ,Kap Ya Nee 11 and Klorn Talat  2. Using the new prosody in 5 types: the forms that similar to  Klorn Suphap, the forms that similar to Kap Ya Nee 11,the forms that similar to Kap Chabang 16 ,the forms that similar to Korat Song  and the forms that  similar to Kanthum song .The use of language found that there were 3 characteristics: Local words such as noun, pronoun, verb, adverb. Using words such as using simple words, beautiful

words, repeated words, using double words, word play, slang words, transliterated words. The use  of stylistic images such as simile, metaphor ,hyperbole , personification , phonetics and symbols.

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How to Cite
Khraiboot, A. . (2020). Isan Folk Music Literature: Forms and Characteristics of English usage. JOURNAL OF RATTANA PAÑÑĀ, 5(2), 138–154. Retrieved from
Research Article


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