The Relationship community development according of the Dhamma Doctrine in Buddhism

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สนั่น ประเสริฐ



The research study on "The Relationship community development according of the Dhamma Doctrine in Buddhism" has objects 1) Analyze the principles that affect the development of the Buddhist community relations 2) Integrate the Dhamma principles in Buddhism for the development of community relations in the Buddhist way 3)Propose a model of community development in accordance with Buddhism method of conducting. This research It is a qualitative research by interviewing (Inter-view) and focus group discussion with monks. Buddhism scholars, community leaders and villagers. The study area is Chang Phueak Subdistrict, Suvarnabhumi District and Pho Thong Subdistrict, Phon Thong District, target group of 20 person, using the specific selection method The research instruments were questionnaires, group discussion record form and observation forms Content analysis And presenting descriptive forms

The results of the study revealed that the principles that affect the development of community relations are (1) 4 Bases of social solidarity (2) 4 Path of accomplishment (3) 4 Holy abidings (4) 4 Cultivation (5) 5 Power (6) 6 States of conciliation (7) 7 Conditions of welfare (8) 7 qualities of a good man, Community leaders, villagers and Monks as well as related agencies in Pho Thong Subdistrict and Chang Puak Subdistrict have integrated 4 Bases of social solidarity, 4 Holy abidings, 5 Power, 6 States of conciliation, 7 Conditions of welfare and 7 qualities of a good man in community relations development. Which appears in various activities, including (1) Staying on guard to prevent the cutting of Siamese rosewood (2) Planting forests (3) Getting involved (4) Assisting flood victims (5) Assisting the host in organizing auspicious events and misfortune (6) Academic services to the community forest conservation network (7) Making merit according to 12 Culture. As for the community development in accordance with Buddhism, the forms are (1) Volunteer work (2) service (3) ) Creating (4) check Young seedlings

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How to Cite
ประเสริฐ ส. (2020). The Relationship community development according of the Dhamma Doctrine in Buddhism. JOURNAL OF RATTANA PAÑÑĀ, 5(2), 226–235. Retrieved from
Research Article


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