The Effect of Stereotype Threat and Being Exposed to Positive Role Models on Color Blind People’s stereotype threat perception and Reaction Time to Stimulus
Colorblindness, Positive Role Model,, Stereotype ThreatAbstract
This research examined the effects of stereotype threat and being exposure to positive role models among Thai male color-blind individuals. Forty-four participants were randomly assigned to 2 (threat/no threat) x 2 (role/ no role) conditions. They were instructed to read stereotype threat message (vs. no threat) and watch positive role model video (vs. no role model), attend Stroop Task game to measure their reaction time and rate stereotype perception questionnaire in that order. Two-way ANOVA analysis showed that there were interactions between threats and role model conditions on both perceived stereotype threat and reaction time on the Stroop Task. When participants received both threat massage and positive roles model, participants felt significantly less threatened, as well as, performed better at Stroop Task. However, no main effects were found in both stereotype perception and reaction to stimulus, suggesting the effect of role model depending on whether participants received threat beforehand.
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