The Causal Relationship Model of an Authentic Leadership for Community Development Volunteer Leaders
Authentic leadership, self-awareness, leadership, volunteer, community developmentAbstract
The community development volunteer leader plays an important role in the development and support the work of community development officers. The objectives of this study were 1) to develop a causal relationship model of authentic leadership in community development volunteer leaders and 2) to empirically validate the causal relationship model of authentic leadership in community development volunteer leaders. The sample consisted of 417 community development volunteer leaders. Proportional stratified random sampling was used. Questionnaires were used to collect data, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient between .89 - .95. Data were analyzed by the structural equation modeling technique. The result showed that the proposed model fitted the empirical data (chi-square = 506.81, df =170, p = .000, chi-square/df = 2.9, RMSEA = 0.069, SRMR = 0.059, GFI = 0.90, AGFI = 0.86). The result of the effects of path analysis showed that 1) psychological capital (ß = .19, p < .01), meaningful work (ß = .09 p < .05) and self-awareness (ß 5= .63 p < .01) had a direct on authentic leadership; 2) psychological capital (ß = .11, p < .05), Social support (ß = .18, p < .01) and organization climate (ß = .16, p < .01) had an indirect on authentic leadership. The predictive coefficients found that psychological capital, meaningful work, social support, organizational climate and self-awareness could explain authentic leadership at 62% (R2 = .63). The policy suggestions from this research suggested the department of community development should establish a policy to create a good perception of the organizational climate and promote social support from supervisors and colleagues.
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