Theory of Human Resource Development: Value Creation in the Thai Context
Human resource development, motivation, opportunities, Thai context, value creationAbstract
Human resource development (HRD) is an applied discipline that emerges from various sciences to build individual competencies, organizational efficiency, and societal development. However, HRD was based on Western countries' studies, which cannot be fully applied in the Thai context due to the social environment and family-priority values. This ideology made differences in development from their birth. In addition, the contextual differences related to the concepts of human capital (HC) and human development (HD). This article thus provided an interdisciplinary synthesis, including HC and HD, and presented a theory of HRD with a value creation model in the Thai context. The theory begins with opportunities and motivation leading to creating value. The theory begins with opportunities and motivation leading to the creation of value. Additionally, it illustrates the impacts of opportunities from both family and external sources that individuals will seize with motivation. Then, they will develop skills to create values. The basic value is to earn a living. Individuals can also generate higher levels of value to provide opportunities for other family members and society. This will lead to continuously creating value on a large scale in Thai society. Lastly, the theory supports individuals, communities, government, and private agencies in providing opportunities, which is the beginning of HRD for sustainable value creation in the Thai context.
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