The Education of Thailand 4.0

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Gomet Dangthongdee


Nowadays Vocational Education Institutions became important roles and functions in management of vocational education in certificate, diploma and undergraduates. The governments realized that the planning, production, manpower development and quality development of education at all levels; that have to developed the country according  to the vision and goals of the 12th National  Economic and Social Development Plan for Thailand 4.0 to the 21st century. Teachers need to developed themselves to be knowledgeable, ready to  transfer and help the development of learners. The  teachers are responsible of their own learning for both learners and changes in the teaching process. Implementing both Active Learning and PBL (Project Base Learning) are necessary skills to provide in  the 21st Century that focus on developing human capital and to use in extension of the knowledge.  Focus on Research & Development (R & D), the  Science, Technology, Innovation, the Management  output. Including, the accessing, the equality, the  quality and the efficiency. Besides these, the  attitude, the discipline, the honest, the hardworking,  the punctual, the up-to-date in Thai, English  and basic computer knowledge should be able  to actually used core competency.

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How to Cite
Dangthongdee, G. (2017). The Education of Thailand 4.0. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 1(1), 1–6. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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