The Development of Multimedia for Presentation in Science for Business and Services Course of Certificate Students

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Nattaya Aummarin


The  purposes  of  this  study  were  to:  1)  develop  the  multimedia  for  presentation  in science  for  business  and  services  course  of certificate  students  with  efficiency  standard criterion  at  80/80 2)   compare  the  learning achievement  before  and  after  learning  with multimedia  for  presentation  and  3)  the  study  opinions’  students  by  the  multimedia  for presentation.  The  population  were  101  of vocational  II  students  in  the  second  semester of  the  academic  year  2016  from  Suphanburi Vocational  College.  The  research  instruments were  1)  multimedia  for  presentation  2)  learning  achievement  test  and  3)  questionnaires.  The  data  were  analyzed by efficiency, mean, standard  deviation  and  t-test  dependent.

The  results  of  the  study  were  as  follows: 1)  the  efficiency  of  the  multimedia  for presentation  was  85.87/84.12  which  was  higher than  the  set  criterion  80/80  2)The  students achievement  after  multimedia  for  presentation was  significantly  higher  than  before  at  .01  level  and  3)  the  study  opinions’  students towards  the  multimedia  for  presentation  were at  highest  level.

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How to Cite
Aummarin, N. (2017). The Development of Multimedia for Presentation in Science for Business and Services Course of Certificate Students. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 1(1), 62–68. retrieved from
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