Development of learning achievement by Explicit Teaching Model in a Computer Aids Drafting Mold course with 3D painting for undergraduate students in Technology Program Mold and Die Technology, Chainat Technical College, Institute of Vocational Education Central Region 2

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Kwanchai Phokwan


The purposes  of  this  research  were  to:  1)  study  of  Computer  Aids  Drafting  Mold  and  Die  in  3D  Model  achievement,  2)  compare  the  Computer  Aids  Drafting  Mold  and  Die  in  3D  Model  achievement  of  the  undergraduate  students  before  and  after  learning  with  an  explicit  teaching  model  and  3)  study  the  students’  opinions  towards  the  Computer  Aids  Drafting  Mold  and  Die  in  3D  Model  achievement  was  taught  by  the  explicit  teaching  model.  The  sample  consisted  of  13  students  from  undergraduate  students  Mold  and  Die  Technology  of  Chainat  Technical  College,  Institute  of  Vocational  Education  Central  Region  2.

The  research  instruments  used  1)  the  lesson  plans,  2)  the  posttest  achievement    examination  and  3)  the  students’  opinion  questionnaire.  The  data  were  analyzed  by  mean,  standard  deviation,  one  sample  t–test  and  dependent  sample  t–test. 

The  results  of  the  research  were  found  as  following  : 

     1)  Undergraduate  students  learned  with  an  had  the  computer  aids  drafting  mold  and  die  in  3D  81.23%  model  achievement  up  to  80%  at  .01  level. 

     2)  Undergraduate  students’  achievement  after  studying  through  the  computer  aids  drafting  mold  and  die  in  3D  model  was  significantly  higher  than  before  studying  through  the  computer  aids  drafting  mold  and  die  in  3D  model  at  the  .01  level.

     3)  The  students’  opinions  towards  the  Computer  Aids  Drafting  Mold  and  Die  in  3D  Model  achievement  was  taught  by  the  explicit  teaching  model  at  the  highest  level.

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How to Cite
Phokwan, K. (2017). Development of learning achievement by Explicit Teaching Model in a Computer Aids Drafting Mold course with 3D painting for undergraduate students in Technology Program Mold and Die Technology, Chainat Technical College, Institute of Vocational Education Central Region 2. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 1(2), 25–33. retrieved from
Research Articles


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