The instructional development with project – based learning on the intermediate accounting 2 to promote learning achievement of Diploma level 1 accounting Kanchanaburi Vocational College.

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Samarn Seubnuch


The  objectives  of  this  research  were  to : 1)  find  the  efficiency  of  the  Instructional  with project-based  learning  on  intermediate  accounting  2  2)compared  the  students’  learning achievement  on  intermediate  accounting  2  and 3)  the  students’  satisfaction  toward  the  project-based  learning  on  intermediate  accounting  2.  The samples  consisted  of  39  students  studying  at diploma  level  1  accounting  at  Kanchanaburi Vocational  College. The  research  instruments  were : 1)  the  instructional  with  project-based  learning on  intermediate  accounting 2  2)  pretest  and posttest  of  project-based  learning  on  intermediate  accounting  2  and  3)  the  student’s  satisfaction  towards  the  project-based  learning  on  intermediate  accounting  2  of  diploma  level  1  accounting.  The  percentage, mean, standard  deviation  and  t-test  for dependence  samples  were  used  to  analyze data.

The  results  of  the  research  were  as  follows : 1)  the  efficiency  of  the  instructional  with project-based  learning  on  the  intermediate accounting  2  was  80.93/80.85  in  average  based on  the  standard  2)  The  student’s  learning achievement  after  study  through  the instruction  with  project-based  learning  on  intermediate  accounting  2  was  significant  higher than  before  at  the  .05  level  and 3)  The students’  satisfaction  in  learning  with  the  instructional with  project-base  learning  on  the intermediated  accounting  2  were  at  high  level.

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How to Cite
Seubnuch, S. (2018). The instructional development with project – based learning on the intermediate accounting 2 to promote learning achievement of Diploma level 1 accounting Kanchanaburi Vocational College. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 2(1), 63–69. Retrieved from
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