The Effectiveness of The Teaching Materials Basic Accounting 2 Course Code 2200-1003

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Vasana Purahong


The  research  objectives  were  :  1)  To  find the  efficiency  of  the  teaching  materials  for Basic  Accounting  2, Course  Code  2200-1003, Vocational  Certificate  Program  Year  2013  to  be  effective  according  to  the  criteria  of  80/80. 2) To compare the pre- and  post-study achievement  of  students  by  using  the  teaching materials.  3)  To  study  students’  satisfaction  toward  the  teaching  and  learning  management  by  using  teaching  materials.  The  samples  used in  the  study  were  the  students  in  vocational certificate  level/1  and  27  students  in  the  Business  Computer.  The  tools  used  as  teaching  materials  are,  academic  achievement  test  and  satisfaction  questionnaire.  The statistics  used  were  percentage,  mean, standard  deviation,  (Standard;  Deviation)  t-test  Non-free.

The  research  results  were  as  follows : 1)  The  efficiency  of  the  program  is  84.02/ 82.08  which  was  higher  than  the  standard  of 80/80  2)  The  post-study  learning  achievement  of  the  students  studying  by  using  the  teaching materials  for  Basic  Accounting  2,  Course  Code 2200-1003,  Vocational  Certificate  Program  Year 2013  was  higher  than  the  pre  learning  at  the statistical  significance  level  of  .01  and  3) student  satisfaction  toward the  teaching  and  learning  management  by  using  teaching  materials  for  Basic  Accounting  2,  Course  Code  2200-1003 was  at  the  highest  level.

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How to Cite
Purahong, V. (2018). The Effectiveness of The Teaching Materials Basic Accounting 2 Course Code 2200-1003. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 2(2), 63–68. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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