Collaborative Management in the Internal Quality Assurance of Schools under the Ratchaburi Secondary Education Service Area Office

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Waraporn Thaima
Akepaphada Pakornpimook
Pawarit Nuntharatkul
Boonyarat Ruangsil


     The  purposes  of  this  research  were  to  : 1) study  the  level  of  collaborative management  of  the  administrators  and teachers in the internal education quality assurance of schools under the Ratchaburi Secondary Education Service Area Office, and 2) compare the collaborative management of administrators and  teachers  in  the  internal  education  quality assurance  of  schools  under  the  Ratchaburi Secondary Education Service Area Office classified by educational background, work experience, and position according to the assigned  tasks. The sample group of this research was  365  administrators  and  teachers. Research tool for collecting data was the cooperation management  questionnaire  in  the quality of internal education in schools. The statistics was used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and One-way  ANOVA.

The results showed that:

     1. The level  of  collaborative  management of  the  administrators  and  teachers  in  the internal  education  quality  assurance  of  schools under the Ratchaburi Secondary Education Service  Area  Office,  the  overall  and  each aspect  was  at  a  high  level.

     2. The comparison of the management of collaborative management in the internal quality  assurance of schools under the Ratchaburi  Secondary  Education  Service  Area Office  classified by:

          2.1 Different educational qualifications by  overall  and  each  aspect,  it  was  found  that the collaborative management in the internal quality assurance of schools, was different  with  statistically  significance  at  a  level  of  .05,  excepting  the  operational  aspect.  There  was  no  difference  in the  collaborative  management  in the internal  quality  assurance  of  schools.

          2.2  Work  experience  by  overall  and each  aspect,  revealed  that  there  was  different  in terms of  planning with  statistically  significance  at  a  level  of 0.05 for administrators  and  teachers  while  overall  and  other  aspects there  was  no  difference.

          2.3 Position  according  to  the  tasks  was assigned  by  overall  and  each  aspect,  it  was  found that  there  was  a  statistically  significant  difference in  the  collaborative  management  in  the  internal quality assurance of schools with statistically significance  at  a  level  of  .05  excepting  for  planning and development, and improvement. There  was  a  statistically  significant  difference  in the  collaborative  management  in  the  internal quality assurance of schools with statistically significance  at  a  level  of  0.05

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How to Cite
Thaima, W., Pakornpimook, A., Nuntharatkul, P., & Ruangsil, B. (2022). Collaborative Management in the Internal Quality Assurance of Schools under the Ratchaburi Secondary Education Service Area Office. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 6(1), 71–78. retrieved from
Research Articles


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