Developing of Learning Achievement with the Demonstration Practice Package of Electric Vehicle for Students in Mechanical Education, Faculty of Industrial Education Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi

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Tanut Sripanom
Worapot Treeratrudee
Wirote Buaphan
Teerachai Raiwarak
Wisit Onprasong


     The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  develop  and  find  the  efficiency  of  the  demonstration  practice  package  of  electric  vehicle  for  developing  skills  from  simulating  problems  and  checking  different  systems  of  electric  vehicles  for  students  of  mechanical  education , Faculty  of  Industrial  Education , Rajamangala  University  of  Technology  Thanyaburi., The  steps  to  create  the  demonstration  practice  package  are  as  follows  1)  study  the  curriculum  structure  and  course  outline  of  modern  automotive  course  2)  create  content  and  teaching  materials  on  electric  vehicles , pre-test  and  post - test  worksheets , lap  sheets , and  student  satisfaction  assessment  documents  3)  the  accuracy  of  the  demonstration  practice  package , content , testing  worksheets ,  lap  sheets , and  satisfaction  assessment  documents  were  checked  by  the  experts  and  improving  according  to  the  advice  of  experts  4)  trial  the  demonstration  practice  package  of  electric  vehicles  with  15  samples  from  the  3rd  year  mechanical  education  students  enrolled  in  the Modern  Vehicle  Technology  course  in  the academic  year  1/2021  5)  the  efficiency  of  the  demonstration  practice  package  of  the  electric  vehicle  was  found  by  using  statistics  to  analyze  the  data.  The  study  results  found  that  1)  the  demonstration  practice  package  of  electric  vehicles  had  learning  efficiency  E1/E2  equal  to  70.89/87.10  which  was  higher  than  the  specified  criterion  of  70/80  2)  the  learning achievement  after  study  through  the  demonstration  practice  package  of  electric  vehicles  was  significantly  higher  than  before  at  the  0.05  level  and  3)  the  students' satisfaction  with  the  demonstration  practice  package  of  electric  vehicles  was  found  to  a  high  level.

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How to Cite
Sripanom, T., Treeratrudee, W., Buaphan, W., Raiwarak, T., & Onprasong, W. (2022). Developing of Learning Achievement with the Demonstration Practice Package of Electric Vehicle for Students in Mechanical Education, Faculty of Industrial Education Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 6(2), 27–35. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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