Relationship Between Emotional Quotient with Adversity Quotient of Academic Support Personnel of Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep

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Sakchai Jantasang


This study aimed 1) to study emotional quotient and adversity quotient and 2) to study the canonical correlation analysis between emotional quotient and oadversity quotient of academic support personnel of Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep. The samples were support staff. Using a convenience sampling method , 210 people were randomized Conducted data collection by using questionnaires for online research with Google Form and the data were analyzed using statistics , namely percentage , means , standard deviation and canonical correlation analysis. The research results were as follows : 1) The emotional quotient and adversity quotient of academic support personnel were in relatively high level. 2) The canonical correlation analysis showed that the emotional quotient correlated with the adversity quotient , the canonical correlation coefficient was 0.632 that explained the correlation between canonical variables at 67.60% and 3) The canonical loading of emotional quotient was between |0.115| - |0.674| consisted of self - awareness , self-regulation , self - motivation , empathy and social - skills , respectively. The canonical loading of adversity quotient was between |0.228| - |0.323| consisted of control , endurance , reach and Ownership , respectively. Therefore , the organization the results can be applied to reinforce the emotional quotient for supporting adversity quotient of personnel that is vital characteristics for service behavior of academic support personnel of the university

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How to Cite
Jantasang, S. (2023). Relationship Between Emotional Quotient with Adversity Quotient of Academic Support Personnel of Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 7(2), 33–46. retrieved from
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