Desired Characteristics and Desirable Competencies of Learners in the Diploma Vocational Certificate Program in Conference and Exhibition Management in Thailand

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Orachorn Wongpanngam
Kedsiri Jaroenwisan
Parinya Nakpathom


The study emphasizes the desired characteristics and competencies of diploma certification learners invocational schools in the Conference and Exhibition Management program in Thailand. The research is qualitative research using a phenomenological methodology. The researchers use in-depth interviews with semi-structured questions together with non-participant observation with 10 key informants. The research objectives are to examine the job positions and competency of vocational education learners and examine the guidelines for developing the competencies of the MICE curriculum on the higher vocational certificate level that are essential to MICE entrepreneurs. The study results entrepreneurs have expectations regarding specifically MICE professional knowledge, international language skills especially English communication skills, and the entire supply chain of MICE industry. In addition, the desired characteristics of students that entrepreneurs request are having a good attitude towards work, having a passion for providing service actively, understanding the correct profession, being able to work under pressure, being able to solve problems, paying attention to detail, teamwork and adaptive to change job requirements.

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Wongpanngam, O., Jaroenwisan, K., & Nakpathom, P. (2023). Desired Characteristics and Desirable Competencies of Learners in the Diploma Vocational Certificate Program in Conference and Exhibition Management in Thailand. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 7(2), 124–137. Retrieved from
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