Study of the Relationship Between Tire Pressure and Traction of Semi - Automatic Fuel - Efficient Car Affect Fuel Consumption

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Pinit Kaewpra
Kittiphong Tantisuphachai
Ratchasak Srathongon
Sopon Somkeawvan
Tachadon Waraatsawakun


The research objectives were : 1) To find the center of gravity of semi-automatic fuel - economical artificial car 2) To find the relationship between tire pressure and engine traction of semi – automatic fuel – economical artificial car 3) To find its fuel consumption rate for semi - automatic fuel-economical The research was conducted involved studying basic information about preparing materials and equipment , finding the engine traction , center of gravity of semi-automatic fuel - economical artificial car , and its fuel consumption rate for semi - automatic fuel -economical and analyzing data.

The research result found that 1) The center of gravity of semi - automatic fuel - economical artificial car with weight 57.4 kg the length from front wheel axle to rear wheel axle was L= 1.7 m , the length from front left wheel to right wheel was T = 0.51 m. Calculation of the engine traction of length and width were a = 0.802 m , b= 0.897 m and x=0.264 m and y=0.245 m 2) The relationship between tire pressure of tire pressure at 60 Psi had the minimum average load cell by testing between concrete polishing floor was 6.4 kg and asphalt road was 10.4 kg 3) The resolution fuel consumption rate test with of tire pressure at 60 Psi it could run an speed 62 km/h was used fuel 0.32 cc. Thus, these results show that semi - automatic fuel - economical artificial car of traction and fuel consumption rate is the best and it can take part in MOU of International Honda Eco Mileage Challenge.

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How to Cite
Kaewpra, P., Tantisuphachai, K., Srathongon, R., Somkeawvan, S., & Waraatsawakun, T. (2023). Study of the Relationship Between Tire Pressure and Traction of Semi - Automatic Fuel - Efficient Car Affect Fuel Consumption. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 7(2), 87–96. retrieved from
Research Articles


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