Development of Training Curriculum for Trainers in Order to Up-Skill/Re-Skill of Coaching and Apprentice in Enterprise According to Cooperative and Work Integrated Education

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Dusit Khawloueng
Dan Tong-in
Manop Jamkrajang


The purposes of this research were 1) to study level of trainers ‘problems and ‘training needs assessment in Entrepreneurs in Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), 2) to develop training curriculum enhancing trainers’ coaching and writing on-the job training plan, and 3) to evaluate that curriculum. The research process was divided into 3 phases. The first phase was survey research in order to study level of trainers ‘problems and training needs assessment. The second phase was curriculum development. The third phase was curriculum implementation and evaluation. In this research, the samples were divided into 3 groups i.e. (1) a survey group comprising of 353 administrators and trainers who were selected by simple random sampling and participated with students ‘practicum in vocational education and higher education in Entrepreneurs in Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), (2) a pilot group comprising of 20 trainers, and (3) the group for curriculum evaluation comprising of 30 administrators and trainers who were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were problems and needs for training questionnaire, training curriculum was R&D consisted of 4 steps, namely, problem analysis and need assessment, curriculum development, curriculum verification, and curriculum improvement, coaching and on-the job training plan skill test, and questionnaire for opinion assessment. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation, efficiency criteria (E1/E2), and t-test. The research findings were summarized as follows:

1. The study of level of trainers ‘problems and ‘training needs assessment.

1.1 Overall, the level of trainers ‘problems were rated at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x&space;} = 3.69, SD =0.38).

1.2 Overall, the level of trainers ‘training needs assessment were rated at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x&space;} = 3.86, SD =0.36).

2. Training curriculum for trainers in order to up-skill/re-skill of coaching and apprentice in Enterprise according to Cooperative and Work Integrated Education was developed, and evaluated the training curriculum was suitable and rated at the high level by experts (gif.latex?\bar{x&space;} = 4.47, SD =0.50).

3.The results of curriculum implementation and evaluation revealed that,

3.1 The pilot study of curriculum implementation had the efficiency value (E1/E2) with the average of 77.50/75.50 that higher than the criterion, and the scores of trainers’ coaching and on-the job training plan skill after training was higher than that before training at the significant of 0.05 level.

3.2 The study of curriculum evaluation had the efficiency value (E1/E2) with the average of 80.50/80.83 that higher than the criterion, and the scores of trainers’ coaching and on-the job training plan skill after training was higher than that before training at the significant of 0.05 level.

3.3 The scores of trainers’ coaching skill were rated at the expertise level in the field of mechanic, mechanical technician, and electrician. The scores of trainers’ on-the job training plan skill were rated at the expertise level in the field of mechanic, mechanical technician, electrician, and welder.

3.4 The trainers’ opinions on training curriculum were rated at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x&space;} = 4.41, SD =0.28).

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How to Cite
Khawloueng, D., Tong-in, D., & Jamkrajang, M. (2024). Development of Training Curriculum for Trainers in Order to Up-Skill/Re-Skill of Coaching and Apprentice in Enterprise According to Cooperative and Work Integrated Education. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 8(1), 71–84. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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