Guidelines for the Development of Extra-Curricular Activities in Building Creative Leadership for Students of the Faculty of Home Economics Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon

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Chanatchayanan Ratbunthong
Chayapat Kee-ariyo


The objectives of this research aimed to study 1) the personal factors of students 2) the creative leadership of students 3) the relationship between personal factors and creative leadership of students and 4) development Guidelines for extra – curricular activities enrichment in building creative leadership. This research was conducted via questionnaire and analyzed by statistical devices including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and chi - square value. A stratified sampling method was used. The sample group consisted of 300 of 4 - year undergraduate students in 5 majors from the regular program, academic year 2023.The research used a purposive sampling method among the group of 5 university administrators and the university officers who are responsible for student

The result found that 1) the personal factor which included the 1st year female students, aged 19 – 20 years, majoring in Food and Nutrition. Status for participating in activities was general students and the most participated in extra - curricular activities were sports and recreations 2) Overall, the creative leadership of students was at the highest level 3) the personal factors and creative leadership of students had the same statistical relationship significantly at 0.05 level 4) Developmental guidelines for extra - curricular activities to create leadership for undergraduate students. Was to focus on organizing sports and recreations activities. Besides, leadership development activities should be organized using collaboration techniques to express attitude and perspective of the students. There should have been the creative thinking training, thinking outside the box, patience, solving various problems, and building the students’ self - confidence.

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How to Cite
Ratbunthong, C., & Kee-ariyo, C. (2024). Guidelines for the Development of Extra-Curricular Activities in Building Creative Leadership for Students of the Faculty of Home Economics Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 8(1), 93–103. Retrieved from
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