Development of Guidelines for Promotion of Internal Quality Assurance in School under the Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Patchara Kajunsee
Chanchai Wongsirasawat
Orasa Charoontham


The objectives of this mixed-methods study were to development of guidelines for promotion of internal quality assurance in school. The research was conducted in two steps. In the first step, Study the conditions and factors affecting quality assurance work within educational institutions. The sample included 384 teachers. The research elements are questionnaire. With a reliability coefficient of 0.94. Data were analysis using mean, standard deviation. And stepwise multiple regression analysis. In the second step, involved development of guidelines for promotion of internal quality assurance in school were developed. Informants included 9 experts in educational supervision, educational administration, teachers and academics. The tools used in the research were assessment forms. Data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation.

The research findings revealed that: 1) Conditions of quality assurance operations within educational institutions. Overall, it is at a high level (equation=4.21, S.D.=0.29). The level of factors affecting quality assurance work within educational institutions. Overall, it is at a high level (equation= 4.28, S.D.= 0.24) and factors affecting quality assurance work within educational institutions include. Leadership (X1), communication (X3), organizational structure (X5), educational resources (X2). The forecast equation in the form of standard scores is Z'y = 0.547Z1* + 0.456Z3*+ 0.204Z5*+ 0.121Z2* 2) Results of developing guidelines for promoting quality assurance work within educational institutions. QAbyPDCA + LCSR approach is used. In total, there were 48 guidelines. (1) Establish educational standards in 6 guidelines. (2) Create a plan to develop the education management in 9 guidelines. (3) Carry out work according to the educational development plan in 8 guidelines. (4) Evaluate and inspect the quality of education in 7 guidelines. (5) Follow up on the use of evaluation results for improvement in 7 guidelines. (6) Prepare annual educational quality assurance reports in 5 guidelines. (7) Develop educational institutions to have continuous quality in 6 guidelines. Experts had an opinion that, overall, Accuracy It has the highest level of accuracy (equation= 4.86, S.D. = 0.29) when considering each aspect. The average is between 4.67 - 5.00. Appropriateness It is appropriate at the highest level (equation= 4.86, S.D. = 0.33) when considering each aspect. Has an average between 4.72 - 4.89. Feasibility There is a possibility at the highest level (equation= 4.88, S.D. = 0.27) when considering each aspect. Has an average between 4.67-5.00. And overall usefulness It is useful at the highest level (equation= 4.85, S.D. = 0.29) when considering each aspect. The average value is between 4.72 - 4.94.

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How to Cite
Kajunsee, P., Wongsirasawat , C., & Charoontham, O. (2024). Development of Guidelines for Promotion of Internal Quality Assurance in School under the Primary Educational Service Area Office. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 8(2), 125–138. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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