Development of Big Data Management Model for Improving Educational Quality of Institutions under the Vocational Education Commission

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Jakrapan Kaewkanha
Napadatch Booncherdchoo
Duangjai Chanasid
Napaporn Yodsin


This research aimed to: 1) study the components of a big data system organization for educational institution administration; 2) develop a big data management model for improving educational quality; and 3) evaluate the big data management model for educational quality enhancement. This mixed - methods research was divided into two phrases. Phrase 1 involved the study of components of big data system organization for educational institution administration to improve quality of education. Data were collected through interviews of experts. The informants included 5 experts in educational administration and academic in education, obtained from purposive selection based on the set criteria. The instrument used was a semi-structured interview, Data were analyzed using content analysis. The research sample comprised 105 educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. The informants consisted of 420 administrators. Heads of departments, and heads of working units in educational institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. They were selected using proportional stratified random sampling, distributed by the regions of the institutions. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and confirmatory factor analysis. Phrase 2 involved the development and evaluation of the big data management model for educational quality improvement. Data were collected through a connoisseurship seminar. The informants and model evaluators included 9 experts in educational administration and academics in education, obtained from purposive selection based on the set criteria. The research instruments were a connoisseurship manual and model evaluation form. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, confirmatory factor analysis, and content analysis.

The research results were as follows:

  1. The organization of the big data system for educational institution administration to enhance the quality of education comprised four components: 1) organizing the database system of educational institutions; 2) utilizing the educational institution's database system; 3) upgrading the quality of education; and 4) revising the upgrade of education quality.

  2. The big data management model for enhancing education quality, called the DDIIA Model, included: 1) D: Data Policy, 2) D: Data Management Activity, 3) I: Integrating Data, 4) I: Improving Data, and 5) A: Applying Data.

  3.  The evaluation of the big data management model for enhancing educational quality demonstrated its accuracy, appropriateness, benefits, and practicality at the highest level (equation= 4.97, S.D. = 0.04)

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How to Cite
Kaewkanha, J., Booncherdchoo, N., Chanasid, D., & Yodsin, N. (2024). Development of Big Data Management Model for Improving Educational Quality of Institutions under the Vocational Education Commission. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 8(2), 29–43. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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