Approaches to Promoting Competency of Nursing Students in Rajabhat University
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This research aims to identify approaches to promoting competency of nursing students in Rajabhat University. The key informants consist of 19 experts, including nursing faculty administrators, leaders from professional organizations and educational policy management, employers of graduates, and academic faculty members involved in nursing education. The data collection tool used was an unstructured interview based on the Ethnographic Futures Research (EFR) technique.
The research finding were as follows: Approaches to promoting competency of nursing students in Rajabhat University is 9 issues: (1) Curriculum (2) Teaching management (3) Measurement and Evaluation (4) Learning Support (5) Instructors development (6) Service development (7) Research development (8) Professional development (9) Technology Utilization as follows:
1) Curriculum Development: Integrating medical knowledge, ethics, management, communication skills, theory and practice, life skills, technology use, and research to produce high - quality nurses capable of effectively responding to healthcare challenges.
2) Teaching Management: Utilizing modern teaching technologies, integrating theory and practice through internships, providing expert consultations, promoting teamwork skills, conflict management, and ethics to prepare students for professional work.
3) Assessment and Evaluation: Employing theoretical and practical tests, simulation scenarios, and online platforms to evaluate and develop students' skills, providing clear feedback for self-improvement and curriculum enhancement.
4) Learning Support: Providing training, study tours, modern technology use, digital skill development, creating learning communities, and using online resources to enhance teaching and learning effectiveness.
5) Instructors development: Focusing on training, knowledge exchange, technology use, ethical standards, and research promotion to ensure faculty members serve as good role models and provide up-to-date education that adapts to professional changes.
6) Service Development: Emphasizing practical training in healthcare settings, research, cultural skills development, numerical analysis, and statistical use to improve skills and readiness to work effectively and equitably in society.
7) Research Development: Enhancing research skills in healthcare settings, statistical use, ethics, and innovation creation to improve patient care, providing students with direct experience and increased expertise.
8) Professional Development: Preparing nursing students to care for patients from diverse cultures through training, real-world experience, and ethical education, developing skills for global healthcare service improvement.
9) Technology Utilization: Enhancing learning efficiency using computers, tablets, simulation, applications, digital platforms, and training, allowing students to gain experience and adapt to new innovations effectively.
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