The relationship between competencies of the operator and services quality of public and private organizations in bangkok area


  • Suriwipa Chaiyapan Graduate School, Rattana Bundit University


Competency, Services quality, Organization administration


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the competencies of the operator and services quality of public and private organizations in Bangkok area. 2) To study the level of services quality of public and private organizations in Bangkok area. 3) To find relationships between the competencies of the operator and services quality of public and private organizations in Bangkok area. It’s a quantitative research by using survey research method. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The sample group consisted of 400 public and private practitioners in Bangkok area. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s simple correlation statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that the competencies of the operator in the overview and aspects were in all aspects: core competencies position performance and management competencies Services quality of organization in the overview and aspects were in all aspects: equal service on time service providing adequate service and continuity of service and progressive service The hypothesis testing found that the operation competencies had positive relationship with the services quality of organization and can predict the services quality of organization by 75.5%, the statistically significant was at 0.01. To be able to write the relationship equation for service quality of government and private organisations in the area of Bangkok are as follows: Y =0.973+0.271 (core competencies) + 0.271 (management competencies) +0.262 (position competencies) +0.237


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