

  • ณัฐชยา อุดมชัยรัตน์
  • นนทิพันธุ์ ประยูรหงษ์


การบริหารทรัพยากรมนุษย์, วัฒนธรรมองค์กร, ลักษณะผู้นำเชิงคุณลักษณะ, การบริหารคนเก่ง, ประสิทธิภาพขององค์กร


This article aims to provide information derived from a comprehensive analysis of characteristics and factors that will persistently govern and instill confidence in an organisation. During the typical progression of a research, the conclusion will include examining a single review and this study did a meta-synthesis of qualitative research to satisfy its requirements. To clarify, the aim is to provide a conceptual framework that encompasses the behavioural traits that impact the talent management system. We used data obtained from a qualitative investigation. To ensure the effectiveness of research in accomplishing this purpose The primary emphasis should be placed on effectively managing personnel and fostering their loyalty to the organisation.This study examines contemporary methodologies for talent management, in addition to the theoretical body of literature on the subject. Issues pertaining to organisational and behavioural challenges, as well as other subjects related to talent management. This review incorporates theoretical literature on talent management systems. The findings of this research provide unequivocal evidence of a correlation between performance and the implementation of effective people management practises. This study aimed to analyse the people development process, which functions as a connecting mechanism. A correlation may be established between these two aims, which are the acquisition of exceptional people and the improvement of the organisation as a whole.The correlation between organisational performance and people development requires careful management. This is a primary factor that highlights the need of keeping exceptional employees. Talent management solutions are fundamentally essential for many key reasons. Due to the correlation between allegiance to the organisation Developing talent need effective management techniques.


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