ความเสี่ยงของสตรีชาวต่างชาติที่เดินทางเข้าสถานบันเทิงในกรุงเทพมหานคร ประเทศไทย


  • ภัทรหทัย โกมลหิรัณย์
  • สรัลดา จันทวงษ์
  • รัตนาภรณ์ นันทิ
  • ศรัณย์ วิทยากรบัณฑิต


Theft, Sexual harassment, Travel risk, Night tourism, Foreigner tourist


This research aims to study about the factors that influence the foreign female tourists intention to visit the nightclubs in Bangkok, Thailand. The main aspect of focusing includes the environment of the nightclubs and surrounding areas, the risk perception of the female tourists toward the nightclub. It was conducted for the potential results by applied for quantitative method. The study took a day survey trip in Khao San Road, Bangkok, Thailand through multiple groups of foreign female tourists for a data collection. The findings shown that the group of Asian female tourists age between 18-25 have the highest level of emotional benefit on sexual harassment, security risk perception toward nightclubs in Bangkok. The sexual harassment and security risk influence to emotional benefit for night tourism as 0.01 significant level. This research contributes to tourism research related to foreign female tourists for more data about nightclubs in Bangkok, Thailand. The study potentially identifies the risk and benefits for female tourists that aim to visit the nightclubs. The result of the research can help female tourists acknowledge the risks in the nightclub in order to prevent any damages both physically and mentally. Furthermore, this research will identify the benefits and risks for foreign female tourists about nightclubs in Bangkok, Thailand.


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