This publication of volume 11 No.1 could not have been possible without the persistence, hard work, and dedication of MCU’s scholars, Buddhist’s Scholars worldwide and IBSC staff. Ven. Prof. Dr. Phrarajapariyatkavi and his team supervise communication and collection of the paper. Director of the IABU Secretariat Office, Venerable Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso and his team produce a decent format and design. We wish to also thank all members of the Executive Council and the Editorial Committee for their devotion. We are also grateful to our many sponsors of the last Vesak Conference during 25-26 May 2018, the IABU Executive Secretary Venerable Khammai Dhammasami, the academic team of IABUMCU for their assistance, particularly Ven. Phra Weerasak Jayadhammo for his kind dedication and editing, we would also like to welcome James Featherstone and Samaneri Daria Mikheeva who joined the team for an Internship in Academic Works at JIABU.

Published: 2018-07-23