The Effects of Buddhist Psychological Factors on the Resilience of Adolescents in Bangkok

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Nadnapang Phophichit


The aims of this research were to 1) investigate the concept of resilience in regard
to the western psychological paradigm and Buddhism 2) examine the statistical significance
of on the resilience of adolescents in Bangkok and 3) predict the effects of Buddhist
psychological factors on the resilience of adolescents in Bangkok.
This research is mixed methods Research. The first stage of the research is
qualitative research which aims to collect the variables and then design the instruments
in the quantitative research in the second stage. 12 key-informants were selected by using
purposive sampling. The sample population consists of 495 adolescents in Bangkok by
purposive sampling. The instrument of research was a tripartite questionnaire of which the
three parts were: 1) a part eliciting data concerning demographical characteristics; 2) a part
used to assemble data concerning Buddhist Psychological factors, and 3) a part utilized for
ascertaining resilience. Using techniques of descriptive statistics, the researcher analyzed
the data collected in terms of percentage, mean and standard deviation. The techniques of
t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in addition to Person’s product-moment
correlation coefficient method and multiple regression analysis were also employed by the
It was discovered that the most influential factors on the resilience of adolescents in the
Buddhist perspectives are Yoniso-manasikāra (Wise Reflection) (15.79%), Paratoghosa (the
Words of Others) (15.79%) , Sati (Mindfulness) (10.52%), and Viriya (Effort) (10.52%).
In the perspectives of modern psychologists, the influential factors on the resilience of
adolescents Parent-child bonding (9.09%) and Emotional-Regulation (9.09%). The inclusion
of the Buddhist psychological factors can predict the level of resilience displayed by the
adolescents in Bangkok understudy at 70 % at a statistically significant level of .001

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How to Cite
Phophichit, N. (2019). The Effects of Buddhist Psychological Factors on the Resilience of Adolescents in Bangkok. The Journal of International Association of Buddhist Universities (JIABU), 12(1), 353–368. retrieved from
Research Article


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