Making Merit in the Inscriptions of the Early Ayutthaya Period During the 20th-21st Buddhist Century

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Orapan Suwanna
Songtham Pansakun


The purpose of this study was to analyze the components and elements that appeared in the merit-making inscriptions of the early Ayutthaya period during the 20th-21st Buddhist century. A lot of inscriptions are part of telling stories about the way of life and culture of the people. Most important element in inscriptions is the reflection of beliefs and religions. Worshiping or making merit is often important to record to tell the story directly according to the event or to tell it with other implications through the use of religion as a tool for the purposes of the creator. But over time, the transition of the era can cause social changes in various aspects, including status in society. thought processes, beliefs, Ruler or other influences thus causing a difference in making merit in each period with the status of the donor Giving different things and beliefs. The scope studied in this article is in the 20th-21st Buddhist century, which is the early Ayutthaya period. The inscription is considered an important historical evidence. Because it is contemporary with the event, it is reliable as a primary evidence that history students need to study. In order to understand the worldview and patterns of people in the early Ayutthaya period towards making merit. The Results of the study comparing the number showed that the elements in early Ayutthaya inscriptions often started with the date of the era. There is a person’s name specified along with making merit and most of the ratifications appear at the end of the inscription. As for the elements in the early Ayutthaya inscriptions, the social status of the philanthropists were mostly nobles and monks. Emphasis on creating amulets, religious places, beliefs and hope for merit, which is to achieve enlightenment and be born in the Sri Ariyamatriya period.

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How to Cite
Suwanna, O., & Pansakun, S. (2022). Making Merit in the Inscriptions of the Early Ayutthaya Period During the 20th-21st Buddhist Century. MBU Humanities Academic Journal, 14(2), 7–27. Retrieved from
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