“Chakratipani” An Astrology Book which Predicts the Future with Mythology, Literature, Jataka and Buddha’s Biography

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chanin phongsawad


Chakratipani” is an astrology  book  which has the beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism and uses the knowledge of mythology, literature, Jataka and Buddha’s Biography to explain the future predictions so that the readers could have a more understanding about the future events. Furthermore, besides being an astrology book which can help the readers foresee the future, this book can also give a profound understanding about the dharmic truth of human life.  

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How to Cite
phongsawad, chanin. (2023). “Chakratipani” An Astrology Book which Predicts the Future with Mythology, Literature, Jataka and Buddha’s Biography . MBU Humanities Academic Journal, 15(2), 42–47. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JoMbuHu/article/view/265309
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