Nirat Rop Phama Thi Tha Dindaeng: A Study of Image of PhraBatSomdet Phra Phut Yot Fa Chula Lok Maharat (King Rama I)

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Peeradate Poosri
natawut klaisuwan


This academic article aimed at studying an image of PhraBatSomdet Phra Phut Yot Fa Chula Lok Maharat (King Rama I) appeared in Nirat Rop Phama Thi Tha Dindaeng literature. The result found that PhraBatSomdet Phra Phut Yot Fa Chula Lok Maharat had 3 types of images were 1) he was in an aesthetic mood and tender for love because he showed his love and remembrance all the time with polite and pleasant language. 2) he had been brave in fighting in a battle without fear of the enemy and 3) he committed to performing his royal duties such as patronizing Buddhism, defensing kingdom, and caring for people. Moreover, the result also showed that Nirat Rop Phama Thi Tha Dindaeng is a long lyrical Thai poetry focusing on expressing emotions more than recording the journey and it was a pure literature arose from mood and feeling of a poet.


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How to Cite
Poosri, P., & klaisuwan, natawut. (2023). Nirat Rop Phama Thi Tha Dindaeng: A Study of Image of PhraBatSomdet Phra Phut Yot Fa Chula Lok Maharat (King Rama I). MBU Humanities Academic Journal, 15(2), 48–56. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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