The social impact of presenting a reflection of children and adolescents in the Thai drama series “The Betrayal” that has indirectly affected the recession of the population crisis. Academic articles

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Machima Weerasilp
Rakchanok Saengpakdeejit
Kanyarat Usadee
Naruemon Saelim


This article is a study of the social impact of presenting reflections of children and youth in the Thai drama series "The Betrayal" that has indirectly affected the recession of the population crisis in the form of soft power.

        The drama series “The Betrayal” is a re-produced version of the Thai drama series (Thai Series) which was presented on 3 HD Channel. The content presents problems related to families that affect children and adolescents in many ways.  The aforementioned drama series presents problems that occur with children and youth whose causes arise from factors within the family and problems that arise from external factors of the family or social factors. This indirectly results in creating feelings of difficulty in raising youth while growing up in a society with various problems. By presenting the aforementioned problem in such a manner, it may have an indirect impact on the population recession crisis. Analyzed from the phenomenon of the continuous decline of the Thai population as shown in the regression chart and data from the survey of NIDA Poll, it was found that the results of the survey and the issues appearing in the drama series “The Betrayal” edition in the form of a Thai series are consistent in many ways, including: 1) Don’t want to increase the cost of raising children. 2) Worrying about how your child will live in the current social situation? 3) Don't want to have the burden of taking care of children. 4) Wanting an independent life. 5) Afraid of not being able to raise children well and 6) Wanting to focus more importance on work.

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How to Cite
Weerasilp, M., Saengpakdeejit , R. ., Usadee, K. ., & Saelim , N. . (2024). The social impact of presenting a reflection of children and adolescents in the Thai drama series “The Betrayal” that has indirectly affected the recession of the population crisis.: Academic articles. MBU Humanities Academic Journal, 16(1), 33–47. Retrieved from
Academic Articles



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