Modest Beauty Reserved for the Proper

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เธียรณพัฒน์ เมืองหลวง
Siriwan Jianchatchawanwong


This article aims to study the beauty ideology of the middle class that was shaped through literary teachings. The teaching literature was chosen from proverbs teaching women. which has been widely known for a long time that It is a teaching for women in the early Rattanakosin period. ”Forging this initial teaching is like forging the concept of thought (ideology) through discourse (Discourse) and creating individuality. (Subjectivity) given to women to be women with desirable characteristics. The results of the study found that in terms of the author, it was found that it is not clear who the author is. As for the beauty expected of women in Proverbs, it is divided into two types: physical beauty and beauty in manners Which is what society expects in every era.

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How to Cite
เมืองหลวง เ. ., & Jianchatchawanwong, S. . (2024). Modest Beauty Reserved for the Proper . MBU Humanities Academic Journal, 16(2), 68–75. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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