A Comparison of Red Tilapia Fish Farming Business Management between Mutual Contract with Sirapub Farm and Independent Farming in Uttaradit Province

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Sirapub Kunsiripraparat
Pasiri Khetpiyarat
Irawat Chomraka


The purposes of this research were to study the management of contract red tilapia fish farming and open farming system of Sirapub Farm and to compare the management of contract red tilapia fish farming and open farming system of Sirapub Farm. The research instrument was questionnaire. The data were analyzed by quantitative research. The population was the 52 farmers who were members of Sirapub Farm. The data were analyzed by using computer software package. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The results were as follows: the sample was able to manage the contract farming in average level. They could manage the products in high level only. The other aspects of management were in average. About open farming system, they could manage overall in average level and in every aspect of management was in average. The comparison of managing contract red tilapia fish farming and open farming system was in average level for overall aspects. However, the study found the difference in product aspect. The management of the contract farming was in high level while open farming system was in average level. When considered about mean of each aspect, the study found that the management of contract farming had higher mean than the open farming system in every aspect.

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How to Cite
Kunsiripraparat, S. ., Khetpiyarat, . P. ., & Chomraka, I. . (2022). A Comparison of Red Tilapia Fish Farming Business Management between Mutual Contract with Sirapub Farm and Independent Farming in Uttaradit Province. RMUTP Journal of Business and Innovation Management, 1(2), 8–19. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RMUTP_JBI/article/view/265439
Research Articles


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