The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility on Profitability of The Listed Companies on The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Agro and Food Industry Group

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Nutthapong Prasongtham
Sirirat Poungsangsuk
Srisuda Intamas
Boontham Porncharoen


The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between Corporate Governance, Social Responsibility and Profitability of 56 companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand which related to agriculture and food industry. To collect data between 2015-2019 and data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Likewise, the inferential statistics including Pearson’s Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis were used in this research as well. The findings were Corporate Governance; Proportion of Independent Director Besides, Corporate Social Responsibility; the Environmental, Social and Governance and the Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Activity had also positively correlated with Profitability including the Return on Total Assets, the Return on Equity and the Gross Profit Margin were statistically significant at 0.01 and 0.05 levels.

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How to Cite
Prasongtham, N. ., Poungsangsuk, S. ., Intamas, S. ., & Porncharoen, B. . (2022). The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility on Profitability of The Listed Companies on The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Agro and Food Industry Group. RMUTP Journal of Business and Innovation Management, 1(2), 67–80. Retrieved from
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