Marketing Strategies 5A Affecting the Decision to Install Solar Panels among Residents in Nong Chok District, Bangkok Province

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Chanon Muhammadgasem
Somyos Avakiat
Sanit Sirivisitkul


The purpose of this research is to study the factors in deciding to install solar panels among residents of Nong Chok District. Bangkok The sample used in the study was people living in Nong Chok District. Bangkok Province Using convenience sampling because the exact population is unknown. Therefore, the sample size was 385 people. To make the research efficient, 400 people were collected.. The tool used was an opinion questionnaire with a 5-level evaluation scale. Statistics used to analyze the data These include descriptive statistics consisting of frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations and inferential statistics consisting of t-tests, one-way analysis of variance.

            The results of the research found that It was found that there are 5A market factors in the decision to install solar panels for people living in Nong Chok District. Bangkok Province Mainly in support high level opinion Give importance to clean energy, help reduce pollution, and be environmentally friendly. Followed by product liking Focus on cost-effectiveness in installation price and saving on electricity costs. and product knowledge Pay attention to the fact that there are many types of solar panels to choose from. The reason why you want to install solar panels is because they are natural energy that you don't have to spend money on. The results of the hypothesis testing found that gender, age, education, income, and electricity costs were no different factors in deciding to install solar panels. There was no difference in the decision to install solar panels between the different groups. It may be a tool to help understand a more detailed picture of the factors that influenced this decision in the future. And it is a good start to further explore and analyze many things. Aspects that may affect such decisions include economic factors. Social factors or other technical factors that may affect the next decision

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How to Cite
Muhammadgasem, C., Avakiat, S., & Sirivisitkul, S. (2024). Marketing Strategies 5A Affecting the Decision to Install Solar Panels among Residents in Nong Chok District, Bangkok Province. RMUTP Journal of Business and Innovation Management, 3(1), 69–81. Retrieved from
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