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The regulations for submission of academic article and research article to publish in the Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures.

The journal will charge a fee of 3,000 baht (Three thousand baht only) per 1 article. The author must register and pay fees in the system. The journal will bring this fee to work within and will return only if the editorial rejects the publication. If submitted to experts, evaluate the article Journal will not return fees. Can pay fees via KTB Bank. Account number" 734-0-64147-5 ". Please Send evidence to yota_b26@hotmail.com

The Journal would consider and select an article that presents new innovation and new findings such as. Creativity; present new Methodology and Research Design

  • Argument; present new issues and theory
  • Innovation; present new innovation in administration
  1. Editorial Board has authority to review article and follows by regulation namely :
    • Using proper language and composing by the element of formality
    • Using correct Mythology, having evidence and knowledge synthesis
    • The article can apply to serve society
  1. The article has to be academic essay writing style (narrative) which is concerned with presenting a discussion of research in an objective way and has not been published somewhere.
  2. The element of the article:
  • Title in English and name of the author
  • Abstract concluded with 300 words and both are written in English
  • Office of author belongs to
  • Keyword
  • Content of the article:


Research article:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Research mythology
  • Result
  • Discussion
  • Reference


Academic Article, Review Article, and others:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Content
  • Conclusion
  • Suggestion
  • Reference
  1. Original copyright has to have 10 pages but not more than 15 pages/ A4.

The file of the document itself has to transform to Microsoft Word ( * . doc or *.docx) or has been printed out 1 sided by using Time New Roman.

To submission file which includes graphs, charts and images should be located at appropriate points in the text, between paragraphs, not within them. All figures should have figure numbers and titles (title case) and should be referred to by figure number in the text. A figure’s number and the title should be placed above and outside the figure, for example, table 1 or image 1 and Figure. All have to be clear and related to the original copyright.

  1. Book Review should have the name of the author, the title of the book, place of press and name of the press’s office, and year of publication. Book Review should be 10 pages for appreciation.
  2. To submit an article online: https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ajrc/submission/wizard


Example of writing reference


 Notes-Bibliography Style

  • Placed author’s name in front of a sentence that is being quoted, for example, Kamnuansilpa (2006)
  • Placed author’s  name  after  the  sentence  (author’s  name,  year  of publication)
    • Single author: (Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso, 2014), Keown, 2003)
    • Two authors : (Hersey & Blanchard,2006)
  • Three authors : (Keown, Hersey & Blanchard, 2015)
  • More authors: write the name of all authors and follow by the Year of publication or last name of 1st author et al, publish year. For example, (Kaiser et al., 2008)


Reference style

     The reference style is APA (6th ed.). The following are requirements and examples for common reference types.


1. Books

Author’s name, (publish year). Title. (Edition). Place of publication: name of press. Etc.

  • Mahachulaongkronrajavidayalaya University. (1996).   Thai Tipitakas. Bangkok: MCU Press.
  • Wasee, P,. (2007). Sufficient Economics and Civil Society if Social Economic Revived Way. (2nd ed.). Bangkok: Pimdee.


2. Article in Journal

Author’s name. (Publish year).Title. Name of journal, year (Volume), page. Etc.

  • Dhillion, K. (2001). Challenges and strategies for improving the quality of the information in a university setting: A case study. Total Quality Management, 12(2), 167-177.
  • Sucaromana, A. (2016). Resilience Quotient; RQ. Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 4(1), 209-220.


3. Website

Author’s name. (Publish year). Title. Accessed access date Day Month Year, Url of the web. Etc.

CNN Wrie Staff. (2011). How U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden. Retrieved May 3, 2011, from https://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/05/02/bin.ladin.raid/index.html