ISSN : 2586-9019 (online)
Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures is an interdisciplinary journal seeking an engagement between scholars working across a range of disciplinary fields, including religious studies, cultural studies, critical theory, and Interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences. Lying at the interface between the study of religion and other academic studies of culture. In particular, the journal will consider why cultural studies have hitherto neglected the significance of religious manifestations in cross-cultural perspectives, and define ways in which the discipline of religious studies needs to engage with other areas of contemporary critical and cultural.
The principal aim is to promote critical investigation into all aspects of the study of religions, cultures, and Interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences.
Frequency of Issue: Twice per year (June and December) (1st issue January-June, 2nd issue July-December), 15-30 articles per issue.
Peer Review Policy:
All submitted manuscripts must be reviewed by at least two experts via the double-blinded review system
Current Issue
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures
The Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures (AJRC) is an interdisciplinary journal encouraging multidisciplinary working scholars in humanities, social sciences, religious studies, and cultural inquiry to explore cross-cultural and religious perspectives with an innovative and transdisciplinary focus. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures (AJRC) is an open-access journal, hosted by Buddhapanya Sri Thawarawadee Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, biannually publishing research papers (January-June, July-December) and special issues, both via a double-blind peer review process.
We are pleased to present Vol.8. No.2 of the AJRC, the 2nd issue of July-December, 2024. This volume consists of eleven articles covering various topics in education, music, healthcare, marketing, and management. We continue to welcome contributions of a multidisciplinary nature, that can help to improve aspects of understanding, competencies, and applications to manage operations, innovation, and creativity, of any nature, at any level- individual, team, group, organizational, societal, national, ecosystem or at the global level.
All submitted papers must be original and not submitted or published elsewhere. Submitted papers will undergo originality assessment. Manuscripts will pass through an initial editorial screening and will be sent to anonymous independent referees for double-blind review. Apart from research articles, we also accept quality book reviews. All accepted articles, after appropriate revisions, will be published online on our Journal’s website, and are downloadable free of charge. We recommend that potential authors review our publishing policies, manuscript requirements, and formats, before submitting their manuscripts to the Journal.
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Roman Meinhold
Editor in Chief
Published: 2024-12-30