Career Satisfaction of Filipino Professional Self-Initiated Expatriates in Thailand

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Venus Dennen Claver


 Filipinos are renowned migrants to different parts of the world and are globally recognized with their professional workforce. An apparent influx of Filipino professional self-initiated expatriates in Thailand has inspired this study to explore their career plight and determine realistic approaches on how they would be satisfied with their career.

The research conducted two-phased scheme wherein mixed quantitative and qualitative methods were considered. The quantitative approach was used in identifying the factors that attract Filipino professional SIEs in Thailand. The qualitative approach was used in identifying the challenges that influence the patterns of their career satisfaction. The study was guided by Career Capital concept and was aimed at expanding its scope by extracting and expanding on the first main career competency – career satisfaction. The study found out that Filipino professional SIEs’ demographic details and work-related information has different levels of influence towards their career satisfaction. The respondents came up with mutual practical methods on ensuring their career satisfaction in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Claver, V. D. . (2020). Career Satisfaction of Filipino Professional Self-Initiated Expatriates in Thailand . Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 4(1), 40–54. Retrieved from


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