Guidelines for English Proficiency Development of Rajapark Institute’s Students in Preparation for ASEAN Economic Community

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Man Yin Chan


This study aimed to examine the problems and obstacles in learning English and propose guidelines for English proficiency development of Rajapark Institute’s students in preparation for ASEAN Economic Community. The samples were 360 students studying in Rajapark Institute. Most of the samples considered that their English skills were at the weak level (34.2%), medium level (31.9%), good level (18.9%), and very weak level (10.3%). A majority of the samples (84.1%) importantly revealed that their English skills were inadequate for effective communication; whereas, 18.6% considered that their English skills were sufficient for communication at work. Statistically, the students positively expressed their attitudes towards learning English at a preferable level (mean=4.29). Students realized that English is one of the most essential languages for communication that can be useful and beneficial to continue the study in a higher education. The first three problems of students in learning English included the differences of English knowledge level in class (mean = 3.74), students were afraid of being laughed at when they say or answer wrong (mean = 3.74), and students have insufficient knowledge of English vocabulary (mean = 3.74). Noticeably, the students did not recognize that lack of grammar knowledge was not the primary concern (mean 3.59). The guidelines proposed by the students included the institute should provide media channel to broadcast news or entertainment via TV or radio before attending class in the morning or lunch break. Importantly, for more comfortable in learning English, the classrooms are required to audio-visual aids in classes to be used to practice their listening skills as well as increase the communication channels for students to become aware of the importance of English. Finally, students proposed that the institute should provide language proficiency tests to enable students to realize their language proficiency and increase cooperation networks from international organizations.

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How to Cite
Chan, M. Y. . (2020). Guidelines for English Proficiency Development of Rajapark Institute’s Students in Preparation for ASEAN Economic Community. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 4(1), 74–86. Retrieved from


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