A Balanced Scorecard Configuration of Business Model: A Case of Community-based Tourism

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Chai Ching Tan


This paper provides the rationales, through deductive reasoning, to propose a balanced scorecard (BSC) configuration to support the design of business model that takes root in maximizing drivers of learning and growth. BSC is one of the most popular, ongoing dominant topic related to performance measurements. Its early concept has since evolved to a full strategic planning and management system. Using BSC to help design and implement business model can provide the advantages of a holistic value creation business system. The proposed BSC-driven configurational framework intercepts both theories of latent demand and theories of production and stands as a platform incorporating theories of governance. These three theories, as argued in the extant literature, should effectively help entrepreneurs and firms, and communities, develop new business ideas and models.As a target, this paper provides another angle of perspective and point of entry for contributing to the existing body of knowledge relating to business model and entrepreneurship. Numerous areas of implications are discussed which includeconcepts relating to integrated rural tourism (IRT), CBT amalgamation, tribe-based value co-creation, diffusion of knowledge and innovation, CBT governance through for instance accountability, co-operation and relationships among the networks of tribe members, coherence and sustainability drivers.

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How to Cite
Tan, C. C. (2019). A Balanced Scorecard Configuration of Business Model: A Case of Community-based Tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 3(1), 21–38. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ajrc/article/view/242050


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