Impact of Marketing Economy System on Chinese Local Government Functions Transformation

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Jin Lu
Eksiri Niyomsilp


The objectives of this study is to explore the effect of market economic system on the transformation of local government functions. In this study, quantitative research design and questionnaire survey method were adopted to collect data from government staff, enterprise staff and the public in Gansu Province. The research method used in this study is qualitative research. On the basis of questionnaire, descriptive statistical analysis is conducted on the obtained data to discuss regional differences, construct structural equation model, and further analyze the influence path of market economic system on the transformation of local government functions. The development of market subjects, market elements and market environment all have an impact on the internal optimization and external adaptation of local governments. Market subjects, as the micro subjects of market activities, has more direct influence on the transformation of local government functions. Market factors and market environment, through the change of macro environment, provide a good development soil for the transformation of local government functions, enhance the vitality of social organizations, promote the strategic adjustment of the superior government, and indirectly promote the transformation of local government functions.

This study results that: firstly, the analysis framework of the transformation of local government functions is supplemented from the perspective of environmental factors; Second, focusing on the influence mechanism of market economic system on the transformation of local government functions, to realize the transformation of the research perspective of market-government relationship; Thirdly, by using a variety of empirical analysis methods, this paper comprehensively verifies the impact intensity and path of market economic system on the transformation of local government functions, and finds that the development of market economic system directly or indirectly influences the transformation of local government functions through the development of social organizations and the strategic adjustment of the superior government. Furthermore, it provides possible policy suggestions for promoting the benign interaction between market economy and local government.

Based on the above research conclusions, it provides possible policy suggestions for promoting the benign interaction between market economy and local government from three aspects: building an effective market, cultivating an active society, and building a people satisfied government.

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How to Cite
Lu , J. ., & Niyomsilp, E. . (2021). Impact of Marketing Economy System on Chinese Local Government Functions Transformation. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 5(2), 118–125. retrieved from


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