Patience, Its Role in Our Life – A Definition Academic Article

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Diana Martinez


This definition academic article focuses on understanding the role that patience plays in the decisions we make in daily life. Through the analysis of secondary data across various decades, the author assesses what patience is and what it is related to, followed by an evaluation and comparison of some of the most influential research studies related to patience, willpower, and self-control. The paper then continues with an examination of the outcomes of developing patience and other related virtues, and the combination of those virtues for career, relationship, and health success, as well as an exploration of techniques for cultivating patience, perseverance, and will-power and becoming better at those skills over time. Other points of view on patience and the concept of impatience are also assessed. After the secondary data have been thoroughly analyzed, the paper concludes with how research on these concepts can be applied to daily life, work environments, and policies that affect the individual and society. Patience, willpower, and self-control are terms that are usually used interchangeably in the literature and have been shown to be positively correlated to outcomes later in life. The challenging question remains: how do we find the balance between being too patient and not patient enough?

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How to Cite
Martinez, D. (2022). Patience, Its Role in Our Life – A Definition Academic Article. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 6(1), 17–35. retrieved from


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