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Wu Rina
Eksiri Niyomsilp


The research topic “Influencing Factors of Mental Health Management in Medical Schools in China” this research proposed to 1) study the types of mental health of medical students in Shaanxi province, 2) investigate the significant factors causing mental illness in medical students in Shaanxi province, 3) conduct a structural equation model of mental healthcare management for medical students in Shaanxi province, and 4) assess the model implementation for helping in the mental health management of medical students in Shaanxi province. The study was quantitative and qualitative research and used questionnaires and interview forms for collecting data. The questionnaires were launched to 488 medical students from three medical universities in Shaanxi province in China. The qualitative data was collected with an in-depth interview of 12 teachers and 24 medical students from the sample universities as well. Teachers were the ones who were concerned with students’ psychological treatments in three medical universities in the research.

The results revealed that most respondents were females, 65.37%, at the age of 22 – 23 years old, 48.77%, studied in the 2nd year of medical universities, 34.63%, in more-than-one-child families, 69.88%, and parents stay together, 72.54%, having an average income of the family of 3,001-5,000 Yuan, having the latest GPA at 2.6 – 3.0, 38.11%, and students didn’t have the congenital disease, 97.75. The results of skewness and kurtosis tests for normal distribution and the relationship between variables used for analysis are suitable for the structural equation model analysis. The structural equation model of mental health management for medical students as MF =0.342*ScF +0.511*SoF +0.567*PF + 0.369*FF; R2 = 0.812 It shows that school factors, social factors, personal factors, and family factors have positive relations with mindfulness factors. If the school, social, personal, and family conditions are good, the mental health of medical students will be good as well. The hypothesis results are accepted. New knowledge of this study seems familiar with other research knowledge, but it’s not verisimilitude in detail. Therefore, the new knowledge of this study can be applied to make the guidelines for mental health management at medical universities in China.

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How to Cite
Rina, W., & Niyomsilp, E. . (2023). INFLUENCING FACTORS OF MENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT IN MEDICAL SCHOOLS IN CHINA. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 7(2), 294–310. retrieved from


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