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Phramaha Panya Thanapanyo (Bouthong)



          The UNFAO warned global topsoil were at risk of disappearing by 2050. FAO pointed out that every five seconds, soil eroded by the size of a football field (7,140 square meters) day but around a thousand years were needed to cover it only 3 centimeters and only 60 years of farming left; if soil degradation continued. In investigating the Leopoldian Land Ethics, the researcher found that the Leopoldian Land Ethics extended ethical considerations to the holistic ecosystem engulfing soil, water, plants and animals and biocentrism was the exit. Global environmentalists supported Leopoldian Land Ethics. Leopoldian Land Ethics called for moral responsibility to global caring for natures and environment and their relationship based on Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and democracy. Finally poor land ethics led to physical, economic and social impacts to the over 60% of the low-income citizens. Besides, Leopoldian Land Ethics to protect the entire ecosystem, calling for moral responsibility to care global environment and to solve the physical, economic and social impacts contributed by poor land ethics. The researcher proposed the royal initiative to address deteriorated soil of His Majesty Rama IX by vetiver grass, mixed crop systems and to acid soil by “Soil Persecution” since 1981.

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How to Cite
Thanapanyo (Bouthong), P. P. . (2023). LAND ETHICS FOR SOLVING SOIL AND LAND RESOURCES OF ALDO LEOPOLD . Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 7(1), 162–174. Retrieved from


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