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The purposes of this research were to 1) identify the transformational leadership of school administrators under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi (SESAOK), 2) identify the school management in the digital era of school administrators under SESAOK, and 3) identify the transformational leadership affecting the school management in the digital era of school administrators under SESAOK. The research samples were 28 schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi. There were 8 respondents from each school including 1) a school director or an acting school director, 2) a deputy school director or an acting deputy school director, 3) two heads of departments, and 4) four teachers, with a total of 224. The research instrument was an opinionnaire concerning transformational leadership according to Leithwood, Jantzi, and Steinbach’s concept and school management in the digital era according to Lee and Gaffney’s concept. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings of this research were as follows:
1) The overall of transformational leadership of school administrators under SESAOK was at a high level. When considering each aspect, the average of all aspects was at a high level from the most to the least as follows: creating and maintaining shared decision-making structures and processes, creating high-performance expectations, culture building, building a shared vision, developing consensus about goals, modeling important values and practices, creating intellectual stimulation, and providing individualized support, respectively.
2) The overall of school management in the digital era of school administrators under SESAOK was at a high level. When considering each aspect, the average of all aspects was at a high level from the most to the least as follows: managing risk, shaping and selecting digital technology, managing information, achieving digital integration, overseeing the technology and education direction, securing school information assets, balancing internal and external control, managing enthusiasm, networking with the home technology, and financing the technology, respectively.
3) Transformational leadership of school administrators on creating and maintaining shared decision-making structures and processes, building a shared vision, creating high-performance expectations, providing individualized support, and developing consensus about goals affected school management in the digital era under SESAOK, as a whole, with statistical significance at the .05 level.
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