The Mediating Role of Employee Performance in The Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practice and Organization Performance Among SMEs in Jiangxi Province, China

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Shiwei Wu
Bijay Sigdel


The research aims the main objective of the study is to analyze the mediating effect of employee performance in the relationship between human resource management practices and organization performance. The research design for the study is quantitative. The purposive sampling is used for the data collection, the sample is 414. The data were collected using Questionnaire Star and QQ and WeChat. Data analysis was done by using SPSS 26 and AMOS 24. The result of the study is that there is a significant positive effect of employee training and employee empowerment on employee performance. However, there is no significant positive effect of employee promotion on employee performance. And there is no significant positive effect of employee training and employee empowerment on organization performance. However, there is a significant positive effect of employee promotion on organizational performance. In addition, there is a significant positive effect of employee performance on organizational performance. Also, there is a mediation effect of employee performance in the relationship between employee training, employee empowerment, and organization performance. However, there is no mediation effect on employee promotion and organizational performance.

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How to Cite
Wu, S., & Sigdel, B. . (2024). The Mediating Role of Employee Performance in The Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practice and Organization Performance Among SMEs in Jiangxi Province, China. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 8(1), 92–106. retrieved from


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