Study on the Influencing Factors of Counselor Studio Construction Strategies in Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University

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Xu Xilin


The objectives of the study were: 1) To explore will evaluation and incentive mechanism affects the counselor studio construction strategies in Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University; 2) To explore will platform building affects the counselor studio construction strategies in Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University; 3) To explore will resource sharing affects the counselor studio construction strategies in Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University; 4) To explore will career development affects the counselor studio construction strategies in Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University.

This study adopted a quantitative research method. In this study, a total of 378 questionnaires were distributed, with 325 valid questionnaires and the validity rate was 85.98%. The population was the instructors of Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University. Combined with cognitive evaluation theory, this paper found that: 1)Evaluation and incentive mechanism has a significant positive effect on counselor studio construction strategies in Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University; 2)Platform building has a significant positive effect on counselor studio construction strategies in Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University; 3)Resource Sharing has a significant positive effect on counselor studio construction strategies in Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University; 4)Career development has a significant positive effect on counselor studio construction strategies in Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University. Recommendations for counselor studio construction strategies should focus on the following aspects: 1) Optimizing evaluation and incentive mechanisms; 2) Innovative platform-building models; 3) Strengthen Resource Sharing; 4) Strengthen the development of information technology teams.

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How to Cite
Xilin, X. (2024). Study on the Influencing Factors of Counselor Studio Construction Strategies in Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 8(1), 242–258. retrieved from


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