Study the Teaching Method of Chinese Musical Form and Analysis Course at Lanzhou City University, RPC China

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Bi Yingshuang
Manus Kaewbucha


The purposes of this study were: 1) To study the Teaching Method of Chinese musical form and analysis course at Lanzhou City University, RPC China, this research was qualitative research, Music Education &Musicology Principal method, Literature research method, Questionnaire survey method, Interview research method, Grounded Theory as well. The findings of this research were as follows: 1) The course of Chinese musical form and analysis is very important in Chinese higher music education. Chinese musical form and analysis course is a comprehensive subject with strong technical theory, and its teaching quality will directly affect the teaching quality and teaching level of music colleges. The teaching of Chinese form and analysis of works must be enhanced. 2) The teaching method is the key to enhancing the teaching of Chinese musical forms and works analysis. It is an effective way to change teaching ideas, reform teaching content, adjust teaching methods, and explore practical teaching links to enhance the teaching of Chinese musical forms and analysis courses.

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How to Cite
Yingshuang, B. ., & Kaewbucha, M. . (2024). Study the Teaching Method of Chinese Musical Form and Analysis Course at Lanzhou City University, RPC China. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 8(1), 333–345. Retrieved from


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