A Comparison of Two English Language Instruction Approaches: Task-Based Instruction with Authentic Materials and Presentation-Practice-Production (PPP) Instruction in High School in Thailand

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Viroj Asavajaruphan
Sarinrat Sertpanya
Pikun Ekwarangkoon
Phrakhrupalad Aphinan Sunthonphakdi Sunthonphakdi


The objectives of this study were twofold: 1) to compare the posttest mean scores of English proficiency tests between students who received task-based instruction with authentic materials and those who received PPP instruction, and 2) to compare the mean scores of students' attitudes before and after receiving task-based instruction with authentic materials. Employing a non-equivalent control groups design, the sample comprised 100 eleventh-grade students from Marie Upatham School during the first semester of the 2024 academic year, selected through purposive sampling. Fifty students were allocated to both the experimental and control groups. The instruments used included eight weeks of lesson plans utilizing task-based instruction with authentic materials, pre-post English proficiency tests, and a questionnaire on students' attitudes toward task-based instruction with authentic materials. Data analysis involved independent-sample t-test and paired-sample t-test. The results indicated that students who received task-based instruction with authentic materials outperformed those who received PPP instruction in posttest English proficiency scores. Furthermore, students' attitudes significantly improved after receiving task-based instruction with authentic materials. This study offered valuable insights into enhancing English proficiency through task-based instruction with authentic materials, providing innovative perspectives for educators and researchers to optimize teaching practices and educational outcomes.

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How to Cite
Asavajaruphan, V., Sertpanya, S. ., Ekwarangkoon, P. ., & Sunthonphakdi, P. A. S. (2024). A Comparison of Two English Language Instruction Approaches: Task-Based Instruction with Authentic Materials and Presentation-Practice-Production (PPP) Instruction in High School in Thailand. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 8(1), 368–384. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ajrc/article/view/272933


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