Music Culture of the Miao People in Xiangxi, Hunan

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Wen Wen
Rujee Srisombut


The young generation's cognition and interest in national music gradually fade, and the inheritance of traditional music is in a dilemma. At the same time, in the field of education, although primary school music education in the Miao nationality area in western Hunan has received some attention, it still faces many limitations. Through the detailed investigation of the primary school, we can find the specific problems and deficiencies, and explore solutions to provide a solid basis and reference, this not only to improve the local primary school music education present situation, promote the development of basic education is of great significance, more can let Miao children enjoy high-quality music education resources, improve music quality and aesthetic ability, let the Miao music this precious cultural heritage in the new era bloom new brilliance, to better inheritance and protection in education. Strengthening music education in Miao primary schools can cultivate students 'national pride and cultural identity, promote students' all-round development and comprehensive quality improvement, and also play an important role in promoting the development of local education. This article presented (1) music culture of the Miao people in Xiangxi, Hunan; (2) history and development; (3) music features; (4) inheritance and protection.

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How to Cite
Wen, W. ., & Srisombut, R. . (2024). Music Culture of the Miao People in Xiangxi, Hunan. Asia Pacific Journal of Religions and Cultures, 8(1), 435–448. Retrieved from


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