An Analysis of Creative Tourism Activities Affecting the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Thai Tourists: A Case Study of Ban Laem Sub-district Community, Suphan Buri


  • ขนิษฐา เปี่ยมคุ้ม -
  • มณฑกานติ ชุบชูวงศ์


Creative tourism, Creative tourism activities, Loyalty


The objectives of this research were study 1) the experiences of Thai tourists from their participation in the creative tourism activities, 2) Thai tourists’ satisfaction in participating in the creative tourism activities, 3) the influence of the experiences gained from participating in creative tourism activities, and 4) the influence of Thai tourists' satisfaction affecting the loyalty of the Thai tourists.  This study employed a quantitative research method. The data were collected by questionnaires from 351 Thai tourists. The result of a multiple regression analysis of experiences in participating in the creative tourism activities affecting the satisfaction of the Thai tourists found that experiences affected the satisfaction of the Thai tourists. As for the results of a multiple regression analysis of experiences affecting the loyalty of Thai tourists found that experiences affected the loyalty of Thai tourists. And finally, the results of a multiple regression analysis of satisfaction affecting tourists’ loyalty showed that satisfaction with creative tourism activities significantly affected their loyalty.



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